esides the convenience of Markdown formatted text notes, Texthaven also offers a simple CSV spreadsheet editor. Comma Separated Value files are perfect for presenting tabular data in a portable, timeless, plain-text format.

dit CSV cell information in-place by double-clicking or hitting Enter. Paste the current date in the cell by pressing F5.

or another level of connectedness, with Texthaven you can make a wiki-style links from a CSV file cells to a text note or another CSV file. Put text between the [ and ] symbols to indicate that it's a link. That text will be included on the Context menu for that cell. Click to open the linked file. You an also put a web URL link in a cell and choose that from the context menu to open that page right in Texthaven.

s well as the normal grid format, Texthaven also has the option to display the data in groups. Perfect for visualizing how information is connected, or which items to get from the pasta aisle in the grocery store.

Other features

  • Use arrow keys to navigate the grid
  • Option to use first line of file as column titles
  • Option to sort column data (or not)
  • Search for text within a sheet by using '? searchterm' in Multibar